Jennifer Aniston's False Prophecies In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Many people are superstitious in their everyday lives, for example quite a few celebrities in our generation have a lot of superstitions. Macbeth has a few of them in the story; for example, when he goes to the witches to see what will happen to him in the future, they show him three visions that he superstitiously believes. The witches tell him some true and false prophecies in the story, examples are when Macbeth and Banquo find the witches in the beginning of the story. The witches in the story tell Macbeth his future Macbeth not even thinking about the prophecies they are telling him. The witches tell Macbeth that “Thou shalt be king hereafter” (Shakespeare 347) from this point on in the story Macbeth decides that he could be king. Macbeth and his wife come up with a plan to kill King Duncan. Before the prophecies from the witches Macbeth wasn’t thinking about becoming king at all. Thence after that Macbeth starts to become the person no one …show more content…

Technology, health advancements, and transportation improvements have made our lives easier and longer. We understand the world around us much better with science, but there are those who still look to superstition to explain how the world works. Jennifer Aniston is one of the greatest actresses out there, but one of her biggest things is superstition. Aniston travels quite a bit, but for good luck most people do something weird before and after traveling. Every time before she gets on a plane to go to where ever she is going she has to tap her right foot outside of the plane and steps in the plane with her right foot. Most people do it for that “spunk” of not crashing. Aniston before getting on the plane is always nervous about taking off or even walking onto the plane. Aniston even says “she has a fear of heights and without that bit of security for luck she could freak out on the plane.” (Superstitious 8) After take off Aniston feels better about being on

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