PROLOGUE Jessica Harrison thought she was going to die that night. She was at home lying on the cold hardwood floor in the dining room next to the dinner table scared with her eyes closed. Stay down kids and don’t get up no matter what until I tell you too. Bullets were flying everywhere, glass was breaking, people were screaming, Jessica's twin brother Mason with Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Light complexion, 5’9, skinny, with a plain white shirt with short was on the floor saying; I don't want to die I'm too young to die. Jessica with Brown Hair, Brown eyes, same Height and complexion as her brother but not skinny as her brother said we're not going to die, how do you know that. CAUSE I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT said dad. Dad has black hair, brown eyes, 6’5 same complexion, with a snaggletooth, worked for the FBI knew what to do he said that we should all crawl down to the basement, so we crawled to the basement door I was about to open it but I got interrupted. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING said …show more content…
I live on 573 Howard Rd.The 4th house down from the corner in a medium White House with trash in the yard the flown from other houses and uncut grass just like any other neighborhood. I would say you hear guns going off, people yelling and crying, houses being broken into, and police sirens everyday. We could easily move but we would probably have to move out of the city cause 6-7 neighborhoods are like this, and my mom doesn't want to leave her relatives not everybody can get out so she don't want to just leave them like that. So me and my brother is on the the porch just thinking how to become right to get out of here we do that slot were only 15 we both have jobs but that isn't enough, he wants to be a rapper and I want to be a singer 2 different things but they both take time and we don't have