Jessica Lunsford Case Study

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On this date of March 19, 2005 at the time of 12 a.m., I Forensic Technician Meggan Rodriguez was called to process the crime scene of Jessica Lunsford at 6647 W. Snowbird Court Homosassa, Florida. I collected the names & identification numbers of all the personnel located at the scene then I completed a briefing with Sheriff Jeff Dawsy (the lead detective in this case), who made me aware of the missing 9 yr. old Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped from her house at the location of 7266 S. Sonata BLVD Homosassa, Florida (across the street) on the date of Feb. 24, 2005. The perpetrator a registered pedophile name of John Couey admitted to getting high on crack then he kidnapped Jessica from her residence promising to take her to her father. He …show more content…

The findings of Jessica was that she was tied into two large plastic garbage bags her right index, & two middle fingers were poking out of the bags with her wrists bound with stereo wiring. Jessica’s body was in the decomposition stage of Autolysis nine days after death, & was found in a kneeling position clutching onto a stuffed purple dolphin. After removal of the victim I took three more pictures of the burial site, then I continued into the bedroom of John Couey for further investigation where I took photographs of all sides of the room, & three more of the closet. I took fingerprints from a glass table in the room, I found blood in the closet, blood on a mattress mixed with dried semen, & blood on three throw pillows. After taking samples of the DNA I collected fingerprints of a pizza box, & prepared everything to be sent to the lab for …show more content…

The steps to take while processing each blood sample, is to sample every one separately, & then store & label them separately. First apply a couple drops of purified water to a cotton swab, then with the swab roll it over the DNA sample. When this is complete, the swab needs to go into a vile where it is to be secured with evidence tape, & labeled to be sent to a lab for testing, & the same process goes for semen, & other bodily