Jesus Passage Analysis

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The second character that comes to play in this passage has no name. Whether or not we are given a name she still goes to the feet of Jesus like Jairus. She too had her own burdens. If you look at Luke 8:43 we are informed that it’s not a relative she burdens for like Jairus but for herself. Imagine being sick for as long as she was, twelve years. Being sick that long, not being able to do the things you love, having no energy for a long period. It can defiantly be a time of desperation like it was for this anonymous woman. She had put her entire life into trying to get better, which in return she became poor. It also affected her spiritual life as well. Now, at times we can probably catch ourselves asking God why me? Why are you doing this …show more content…

Now, I am not saying God is a dog but our relationship with God is always a working progress just like my relationship with my dog if I had one but the best part is that our relationship with God is so much more and this woman knew that. Her last hope and desperation was to go to Jesus and seek His help. We go further in our passage and we see that this woman touches Jesus. Touches JESUS!!! A poor women who to everyone else means nothing to, she wasn’t important. I mean He was too busy with Jairus’s daughter right? Jesus was on His way to heal her and everyone is all around Him crowding Him wanting to just see Jesus, talk to Him even. But this lady touches Him, with possibility of little to no faith left in her. However, with this one touch she was healed and it wasn’t because of her lack of faith. No, it was because she did have faith, even after twelve years of people not wanting to be near here or be able to worship her father, she still had faith. Her faith was most likely not great but Christ honored it clearly or she wouldn’t have been healed. What I loved the most is a quote from Wiersbe Bible Commentary which says “it is one thing to “press Him” and another thing to “touch Him” by faith. Kind of gives me shivers to think of it in that