Jfk Inaugural Address Summary

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John F. Kennedy states in his inaugural address that we as people observe a celebration of freedom that symbolizes an end of a great time as well as a beginning of a great time. John F. Kennedy swore before us and Almighty God the same oath that our forebears swore about one century and about three quarters ago. Kennedy says that the world is very different now because we as people have in our very own hands the power to completely abolish all the different forms of human poverty and all the different forms of human life. He states that the same issues that our forebears fought are still issues around the globe. For example, the idea that the rights of man came from the hand of God and indeed not from the generosity of the states of America. …show more content…

Kennedy wants the word to travel far and wide to friends and enemies alike, that the torch has been thoughtfully passed down into a new generation of fellow Americans. Americans who were born in this century, disciplined by a bitter and hard peace, tempered by war and who are proud of our American heritage. Americans who are unwilling to witness or permit the undoing of the human rights that our nation has always enforced. Kennedy wants the word to reach every nation, whether it wishes us good or wishes us bad. He wants those nations to know that we will pay any price, meet any hardship, bear any burden, support any friend and oppose any enemy, to ensure the success and survival of liberty. We pledge that us Americans will be faithful friends to the old allies that share the same cultural and spiritual beliefs as we do. Us Americans pledge to our sisters south of the border, that we will alter our good words and sayings into good deeds and actions. Kennedy wishes to inform our neighbors that we will join them to resist aggression. We pledge our best work and our best efforts to help the people who are living in huts and villages that are trying to break the horrors of mass misery. Kennedy is forceful when he states that his hemisphere will remain the best master of the house as it can