Jo Goodwin Parker Poverty

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In “What is Poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker, Parker describes the readers about the life of someone living in poverty from a first person perspective to help inform the readers about poverty and to persuade them to help solve the problem of poverty. This insightful essay describes the aspects of being poor from being tired all the time and dirty to not having money for electricity and having to ask for help. This essay also explains how it was like to grow up in poverty as the speaker had to quit school to get jobs and support themself. The speaker also describes her own children and the poverty will and has affected their lives tremendously too. The speaker makes it very clear that it is hard to get help, and even harder to use that help, when there is not enough money. The essay ends talking …show more content…

It also made me feel very grateful for everything that I do have and grateful that I had never had to go through this same situation. I have heard people ask why poor people have so many children if they cannot afford to give them a good life and in this essay, it explains that birth control is too expensive and not accessible to everyone. This essay really opened my eyes to the life of someone living in poverty. I really liked the ending and how it asks the reader to help out with the issue of poverty. I’ve always respected people living in poverty, but never knew about how they lived, and this essay gave me an insight on the life and it must be very hard. I feel very bad for anyone having to go through this. I do wish that the author could have given a little bit more on how to help out with the issue though since I don’t really know how I could help out. I am sure that there are ways, though. I just can’t really think of many, which is why it would have been helpful to throw in a couple more hints on how to help. Other than that, this is a very good essay and it’s good to know about