Joan Duda The Purpose Of Sport Is Organized Sport

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According to Joan Duda, the purpose of sport is broken down into seven categories: “sport should (a) teach the value of mastery and cooperation, (b) show people how to be physically active for life, (c) make good citizens, (d) make people competitive, (e) help individuals obtain a high status career, (f) enhance self-esteem, (g) show people how to get ahead and increase their social status” (Duda, 1989). Some kids believe that sports are their only way “out of the hood.” They use sports as an outlet and motivation to be better than people perceive them to be; thinking of themselves as an athlete rather than a “hood kid.” Although, sports can be defined in numerous ways; I believe sports to be an outlet. According to the International Journal …show more content…

According to the United States Military Academy, “A person with character has both the knowledge to know what is right and the courage to act on that knowledge. Character connotes not only moral and ethical excellence but also firmness, resolution, self-discipline, and judgement” (USMA, 1993). Sport has the ability to build character, if the right values are emphasized and modeled. Coaches and parents have the ability to influence young athletes tremendously. Therefore, training our youth coaches is very important to ensure that young athletes have a good role model. In addition to the influence of parents and coaches, sports build teamwork and cooperation skills. This can help individuals later on in life, for example, in the workplace, you do not have the option to choose who you work with. With the emphasis on teamwork, social skills are developed. Children learn how to socialize with others while also learning how to express and control their emotions. Sports has the ability to teach values. Hurting others to be able to succeed yourself is not ethical and should not be allowed, especially in youth sports. Youth sports are a stepping stone to the rest of these kids lives. It teaches them right from wrong, builds friendships and memories. As future parents and coaches, we need to understand the effects sports has on an individual’s character. We need to embody Matthew 7:12, “do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the

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