Joel Paris Mental Disorders

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When thinking about Mental Disorders and how they effect our everyday lives, some you can see with the plain eye and others are not so easy to spot, like personality disorder. Personality Disorder is such a broad name for many categories and variances of the disorder. There are many different types of personality disorders, and how they can be diagnosed, what treatment can be used, and how severe these disorders are. In Social Factors In The Personality Disorders, By Joel Paris, he provides a table listing eleven features of the personality disorders based on the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) and ICD (International Classification of Disease). “Schizotypal, Schizoid, Paranoid, Antisocial, Boarderline, Historic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Dependent, Compulsie, Not otherwise specified.” (Paris, 11) …show more content…

Some ways of treatment are more beneficial than others like with any other disorder. According to Mind for Better Mental Health, individuals with the disorder can go to talking treatments, like Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) which has been beneficial for those with Boarderline Personality Disorder. Also Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), is a form of treatment, especially with those who are diagnosed with dependent and Avoidant Personality Disorder. Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) helps all disorders in forming relationships with others, while Psychodynamic therapy helps patients form a relationships with their therapist Both of these tend to be very helpful. Other treatment can be Mentalization, which helps the person understand themselves and their disorder and ways to deal with it. Other treatments for people with the disorder include, group therapy, therapeutic communities, and creative activities like art, ceramics, dancing etc. are known to be great for patients.(Mind, 4) These are all possibility's for treatment other than taking medicine like pills, which can have downward spiraling