During the American Revolution, the American colonies fought to claim its independence as United States from Great Britain. Women and children at the time relied on their fathers and husbands to bring their voice come to life. John Adams, influential and talented lawyer and political diplomat, whose career involved a great deal of traveling, participated in this revolutionary war to debate over the nature of the new governments and was appointed as minister to negotiate the peace terms with Great Britain in Europe. His wife is Abigail Adams who remained at home taking care of the household. John and Abigail often exchanged letters to keep in touch. In these letters, Abigail raised radical and intellect political opinions on her advocacy of …show more content…
She wrote, “I desire you would remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could.” She asked her husband to remember the rights of women when they established new laws for the new nation and not to put too much power on the masculine hands when pointing out the nature of men: tyrannical, vicious and cruel. “Men of senses in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the servants of your sex; regard us then as being placed by Providence under your protection, and in imitation of Supreme. Being made use of that power only for our happiness.” Her bold assertions of her desire for women’s rights and grievances revealed the social place of women in society during this period. To convince him, she claimed that historically, intelligent men hated the customs that treated women as servants, to be protected by men and made inferior by God. Abigail Adams’s words left a significant proof of one of the firsts in a long line of women who longed for freedom and a rallying shout out to other activists who believed in sexual