John Adams Dbq

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When writing a letter do people ever consider, their letter, might become famous and become a huge part of history? In this generation most people do not write letters anymore! Letters are something that people never truly consider special. John Adams probably did not consider his letters to his wife very special either. Adams wrote a highly important letter the day before, what we now call, Independence Day. This valuable letter brought generations of Americans to an understanding of the opinion of one of our founding fathers regarding our countries growth and abilities. John Adams wrote about his excitement for the future of America. The day before Independence Day, Adams wrote a letter to his wife. In his letter, he explained that the …show more content…

Adams wrote in his letter that the good of the people went into building and making America great. Adams believed the people at the time had little to no virtue. As a Christian, Politian, and person, Adams was able to see the faults that lie in all people. He recognized that every single person had issues and sins to bare. That sounds very negative! But, Adams believed that the troubles that people experienced as a country would help the people to guide the country to good not bad. In his letter Adams wrote, “America shall suffer Calamities.”, “It will inspire us with many virtues, which we have not.” These two quotes show Adams warning to the people and love for the people. He warned about disasters that could happen at any time then shared that there is always growth with in a disaster. Adams may not have believed in the people being good at that exact moment however, Adams had faith in the people to understand and cherish public virtue. Adams knew that with change comes difficulties. Adams knew that with all change will come those who accept and those who do not. He believed that people were stuck in their own little worlds. They did not truly know what freedom

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