John Allen Muhammad's Serial Killers

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In our paper we will be discussing about these serial killers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo who were involved in the Beltway Sniper Attacks, and Wolfgang Abel and Marco Furlan. We will first discuss about the Beltway Sniper Attacks John Allen Muhammad was born on December 31, 1960 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. John Allen Muhammad’s birth name was John Allen Williams. His mother died of breast cancer when he was only 4 years old. After graduating high school he joined the Louisiana National Guard. He got married and had a son. He started misbehaving while being at the National Guard he failed to return to duty and also hit an officer. He separated from his wife in 1985 and converted to Islam he re married again and had three children. He was in the Gulf War he was a marksmen in Germany and in the Middle East. …show more content…

He divorced from his second wife in 1999. He started making threats to his wife so she filed a restraining order on him. So then he took off with their children and went to Antigua. Then they settled in Washington state and police found him and return the children back to their mother. His partner Lee Boyd Malvo was born on February 18, 1985 in Kingston, Jamaica he moved to Antigua with his mother in 1998 and was believed that John Allen Muhammad and Malvo met. In 2001 he moved to Miami to live with his mother than they went to Washington State and stayed in a homeless shelter that’s when Lee and John started bonding more. He put him through an exercise program and a diet. Muhammad taught Malvo how to use a gun and they used tree stumps as target

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