John Baptiste Galrem Analysis

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The late eighteenth century saw the removal of the Acadians from their homesteads after the inhabitants’ refusal to swear an Oath to the British Crown; an oath that would have possibly meant marching against their fellow comrades and family members. Out of all the documents presented, the document written by the suffering displaced Acadian, John Baptiste Galrem is my choice of most credible, while the letter by Charles Lawrence is the least. The Acadians faced many hardships including being accused of something they may not have any part in, the loss of their weaponry and basic rights, and many lost family members during the relocation of the settlers. The man responsible, Governor Charles Lawrence, acted upon his own accord without an order …show more content…

Charles Lawrence writes that the Acadians were a kind of liability, that the British should “rid ourselves of a set of people who would forever have been an obstruction”, not only that but he acted completely on his own accord, having received no official order from Britain . The Acadians were insistent that they were faithful to “his Britannic Majesty”, claiming that the way that there were being treated was unwarranted . Charles Lawrence states that the inhabitants had “continually furnished” the enemies with information and supplies . I find this interesting, because the only mention of this actually happening takes place in Lawrence’s document. The Acadians are so insistent that they “never transported provisions”, and I am honestly more inclined to believe the people who are so desperate to prove themselves, rather than a General for the British . Why would these people have any reason to lie? What I also find interesting is that the displaced Acadian, John Galrem states that the allegations can be “testified by several Governors and officers”, which can only mean that Lawrence jumped the gun and prosecuted the inhabitants on false pretenses . Both Galrem and the petition from the Acadians state that there was no supplying to the British’s enemies. I am very hesitant to trust anything that Charles Lawrence has written. So …show more content…

Lawrence had revoked their rights to own guns and travel the river. John Winslow reviews a petition and states that “the evils which seem to threaten the on all sides” is dire and pleads for them to be protected . Lawrence mentions nothing of any hardships, and I find him to be incredibly biased. He only seems concerned that their numbers “would have doubtless strengthened Canada” and sounds as if he has his own agenda . The Acadians plead numerous times that they are unable to defend their cattle “which are attacked by the wild beasts”, and they go on to say that they cannot protect themselves or their children . John Galrem also mentions that “a body of one-hundred-and-fifty Indians came” and attacked the inhabitants, forcing them from their settlements, even leaving Galrem himself injured for six weeks . This attack took place because of the Acadian’s refusal to destroy the English; so why would Lawrence be so insistent that the Acadian’s were a threat? From what I can tell, the Acadians wanted to live in peace in their homes and to carry on with their lives. It does not sound at all like the inhabitants would pose any threat to the British. Lawrence’s document is so biased and based around the fact that these evil French inhabitants. The inhabitants who refused because, in Galrem’s words meant plunging their