Imagine that you get the opportunity of a lifetime. A chance to get away from your country which is currently in economical depression. A chance to live a new life in a new place, where the economy is high, and there is no poverty. Imagine having this amazing opportunity, yet, having to leave your family behind. You begin to miss them and long for them until you absolutely cannot stand it any more and you begin to write a letter to your wife (or husband) in order to try and persuade her to come with your children to your new home to be with you. John Dowe's letter to his wife is one of excitement yet longing. Within the first portion of the letter, Dowe speaks about how accessible food is in Hudson, New York. He states in the letter "And I …show more content…
In a heartfelt tone, Dowe expresses within the second portion of the letter how much he misses his wife whom he calls "Sukey" and children. He expresses his feelings upon leaving his family by stating that "You know very well that I should not have left you behind me, if I had money to have took you with me.". This shows that the writer was forced to leave his family behind, and it pained his heart. This must be why his wife is heartbroken, because he left her and their children behind. Although, he expresses that he had no choice, but if he could have taken them, he would have. Dowe's thesis or his main reasoning for making the letter is stated when he says "Now, my dear, if you can get the Parish to pay for your passage, come directly...". Dowe's letter is formally requesting his wife and children to come and travel to America by explaining to her the wonderful opportunities that lie across the ocean. He uses an ethos approach by using sweet endearing words such as "my dear" to appeal to her loving nature as his wife. His letter showed just how much he cared about his family and how empty he was without