John F Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Essay

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November 22, 1963 is a day that continues to impact the lives of the American people today. It is a day that depletes trust in the government and spreads sadness throughout the hearts of all those affected by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the beloved 35th president of the United States. This day marks the beginning of one of the largest conspiracy theories ever investigated, or rather hidden, as much of the essential evidence was hidden. With conspiracies ranging from the involvement of the Cuban government to organized crime, only one fact is certain: the United States government covered up much of the evidence that was necessary in order to discover the truth behind the assassination. While driving through Dallas, Texas in his …show more content…

They worked under the motive that John F. Kennedy’s brother, Robert Kennedy, had attempted and failed to assassinate Castro multiple times. John F. Kennedy had also tried to overthrow Castro during the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Now Fidel Castro sought revenge. It is alleged that Lyndon B. Johnson believed in this conspiracy, but took it to his grave, fearing the outrage it would cause the American people. As he was in the midst of the Cold War with the Soviet Union who had allied with Cuba, he feared World War III could possibly begin. Therefore, little to no action took place in response to this …show more content…

Johnson took the oath of office. Not long before, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and detained for the assassination of Kennedy and the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit. While being transferred to the county jail, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby on November 24. John F. Kennedy’s funeral, modeled after Abraham Lincoln’s funeral, also took place this day. His body laid in the Capital Rotunda for 21 hours, until he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on November 25. More than 100 leaders from other countries attended the funeral, showing that Kennedy was beloved throughout the

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