John F Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

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The assassination of John F. Kennedy was and still is one of the most controversial events of American history. To this day no one exactly knows the motive and method behind the assassination. The assassination was widely controversial through the Warren Commission's findings, the many different conspiracy theories, and the theories regarding the bullet trajectories. The Warren Commision was the commission put together by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. Lyndon B. Johnson put this together on November 29th, 1963 by executive order. The reasoning behind this was to investigate John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Johnson leaded the commission to investigate the assassination and the killing of the assassin. Johnson appointed, Earl Warren (Chief …show more content…

This also referred to as the magic bullet theory. This theory suggested that the bullet that killed Kennedy also injured Governor Connally. This theory states that Oswald fired one shot from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository as Kennedy and his motorcade passed. This one shot pierced Kennedy’s suit coat from behind to the right of his spine. The bullet then exited at his Adam’s apple and hit and injured the governor. The bullet punctured Connally’s back shattering a rib, it then exited his chest and hit his wrist and then lodged his thigh. There are many conspiracy theories regarding the amount of bullets fired and the location of the shooter. One theory suggests that the shooter was at the Grassy Knoll. The Grassy Knoll is a small hill located outside of Dealy plaza. In this theory a shooter was shown on the Zapruder film. Thif figure was called the “Black Dog Man.” This theory is highly unlikely to be true as the Zapruder film was shot at the Grassy Knoll and the film clearly shows Kennedy being shot from the left to the right of the frame. This means that the shooter could not have possibly been located at the Grassy …show more content…

Johnson. This conspiracy theory states that Lee Harvey Oswald really had no motive to kill Kennedy. But this theory believes that Johnson killed Kennedy for political gain. Supposedly Johnson, wanted to become president desperately and some people believe that he would kill for the chance to be president. The theory states that Johnson thought when Kennedy came to Texas was the perfect opportunity as it was Johnson’s home state. Kennedy was shot from multiple different locations by multiple different gunmen. The men hired were said to be Johnson’s associates from the oil

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