In a letter to her son, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Adams used a combination of ethics, logic, and emotion to advise and prepare her son for the future. A. Adams who at this time was not the first lady of the United States nor the mother of the current president wanted, like all other loving caring mothers, the best for her child. She pushed and made sure that J.Q. Adams thrived to acquire the best traits a human could and to be better person than not only herself but her Husband, John Adams, too. This is apparent in the first paragraph of her letter. In the first paragraph A. Adams made it clear that she didn’t think J.Q Adams’ “reluctance” came from “proper deliberation” or that he was able to do the thing that would “benefit” him the most. Logically being merely thirteen years old he couldn’t have been able to do these things. Abigail Adams then recognized that J.Q. Adams had …show more content…
Adams emotionally. The first statement that would have connected to J.Q. Adams is when his mother depicts the similarities of a “judicious traveler to a river”. She claimed that as the water distances itself from its starting point it “increases it’s stream” but while on the way it goes through “rich veins of minerals” and “improve[s] its qualities”. This portrays how Abigail Adams sees her son. She looks at him as someone who can grow and learn to become an amazing person and flat out says that it is “expected” that he does so. She then compares J.Q. Adams to a “genius” which would be a flattering comment from anyone let alone your mother. For more inspiration she took to Cicero who would not have been motivated if the “tyranny of Catiline, Verres, and Mark Anthony” had not affected and aroused him. Finally Abigail Adams finishes off her letter with something that surely would connect to his heart, “your ever affectionate mother”. Being the passionate mother that Abigail Adams was she was also able to speak about ethics in her