John Marshall Accomplishments

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John Marshall was an influential Supreme Court Judge during a time when the Supreme Court was developing into what it is today. As he held that position longer than anybody else, he helped shape modern law. John Marshall expressed his many ideas through many different government jobs and cases when he was the supreme judge. During Johns childhood his mom taught him his education little did he know he would become the longest lasting Supreme Judge of the United States. Marshall was born on September 24, 1755 in a log cabin near Germantown, Virginia, now Midland Virginia and died on July 6, 1835. John Marshall was the oldest of fifteen children. His father was Thomas Marshall who was a very successful sheriff and owned more than 200,000 acres of land. His mom was Mary Marshall who was a stay at home mom. John, his brothers and his sisters were all taught at home by his mom. His education was also provided by a clergyman who lived with the Marshalls for about a year. Then Marshall received a more formal education for a few months at an academy in Westmoreland Virginia. His grandparents on his mom side were part of the Randolphs and the Lees, two of the wealthiest families in Virginia at their time. Through John Marshall's military experience and his early government roles he was able to become a very successful supreme …show more content…

John Marshall's accomplishments include being the fourth supreme judge. As he held this post for 34 years, many people feel he is the most influential judge in American history. “He is responsible for expanding the role of the Supreme Court ”(britannica 1) John Marshall was the supreme judge who made the judicial branch equal to the executive and legislative branches by making it so the judicial branch could decide whether a law is constitutional or not, and if it's not then they can rule against it. He was the principal founder of the U.S. system of constitutional

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