John Milton The Christian God Research Paper

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The Christian God Man has always felt a need to worship and follow a powerful god. From the very first civilizations found through history till the present developed ones there existed so many worshiped gods, some were materialistic and some spiritual. For centuries Britain considers herself as a Christian country rejecting the pagan existing ones. The British consider themselves as pure and true believers in the principles of their religion. What comes next shows the main believes in Christianity related the their faith in their worshiped God.

In Christianity, God is the eternal being who created and preserves all things. Christians believe God to be both transcendent (wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe) and immanent (involved in the world). with Irenaeus writing in the 2nd century: "His greatness lacks …show more content…

Each of the monarchs who ruled Britain from the brought to it the changes he wished so that the religious norms and practices fit his needs. Britain turned several times from catholic to protestant. By the end of Elizabeth's reign the majority of the nation became Protestant .The second remarkable and influential event related to Christian faith in Britain was James first Bible, an English translation of the Bible. The British then could have access to their holy book and read it in every church. The dark and hidden practices of the bishops and the greedy exploitation of the ignorant people by the Church were clearly seen and of course rejected. But what is more important is that people started to doubt about what they learnt from the representatives of God on earth concerning their religion. This could be a starting point for deeper skepticism on the correctness of the content of their