John Proctor In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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“He was the kind of man, powerful of body, even tempered, and not easily led (Arthur 19). Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible, portrays John Proctor as a guilty husband that only holds on to two things, his wife and his reputation. Despite his efforts to save both, he was ultimately hung for being accused of witchcraft, defending both his wife and reputation until his last breath. While both John Procter and I care about our reputations and have a well kept temper, we have priotitized our relationships completely differant. John Procter and I have the ability to hide our anger well, but when pushed too far can seem to explode in a state of malice. Arthur explains John’s tone as “angering”and “his anger rising” (51) during a risky conversation …show more content…

When John Procter is charged with witchcraft, he faces the court to determine if he lives or dies. If he confesses to being a witch, he will live, yet if he denies, he will be hanged. He confesses and signs a paper saying that he is a witch, the paper then will be hung on the church for all to see. When John finds out about this, he knows his reputation will be ruined. He pleads that they not hang up the paper and that they destroy it. John Procter then yells, “Because it’s my name! Because I cannot have another life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave my name!” (133). While John is eager to die with a good reputation then live with a bad one, I can also relate on a minor level to how he feels. On a daily basis I attempt to build my reputation in a posative manner. In basketball and football this year, I have always listened and played to the exact coaching my coaches have given me, so they might see me as a coachable and competative player, however, this year my willingness to compete has been questioned. In both football and basketball practice, I found myself doing things I normally do not do, and even angering my friends to restore my reputation to my coaches, and earn their …show more content…

John and I both have a relationship with God and a woman. John gives the excuse, “I surely did come when I could, and when I couldn’t I prayed at my house”, when asked why he did not attend church services regularly. John has also cheated on his wife. When his wife was faced with a near death sickness, John sought his pleasures in another woman, commiting adultery in the process. John cleary puts himself in front of others in his relationships, however, I try to do the oppasite. My relationship with God can be similar to John’s at times, but I try to put God first everyday. This includes, reading devotions at night and praying throughout the day, even when I think i can handle my oppasition for myself. I also try to thank God for everything he has blessed me with daily. My relationship with my girlfriend is very successful. While I am only eighteen, I take my relationship seriously, but not too in depth. I am not the type to see my girlfriend everyday, constantly talking to her, and even using words such as, “I love you”. One thing I would never do would be to cheat on her, while I might not put our relationship before everything, I keep the relationship, itself, very healthy and stable, and put her before me at all