John Proctor's Transformation In The Crucible

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John Proctor’s act of tearing up his confession, in “The Crucible”, was in fact believable. His dynamic character is shown throughout the play as he transitions from that of an adulterous spouse to a caring husband and friend. His final act of defiance shows how virtuous and righteous his character is. He proves not only to his friends and family, but God too, that he is a principled puritan.
Proctor appears to be a giving man in the beginning of the play. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor, seems cold as he returns home and offers his affections. As they continue their conversation, he says, “If the crop is good, I’ll buy you George Jacobs heifer. How would that please you… I mean to please you, Elizabeth.” (Act II.28-29) His character gives the impression that he is caring and sweet to Elizabeth but she knows of his lechery. He has sinned and feels the guilt for it. His shame is depicted by his reciting of the ten commandments, “Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods, nor make unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt not take the name of Lord in vain; thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt …show more content…

He has engaged with another, her name is Abigail Williams. Though Proctor only saw this as a moment of lust, Abigail saw it as more. Elizabeth brings this to Proctor’s attention, by replying to his statement that he blushes for his sin, with “I think she sees another meaning in that blush.” (Act. II.389) His actions have created more than meets the eye. He continues to argue that he has no feelings for the Williams girl yet Elizabeth stumps him with the statement, “There is a promise made in an bed.” (Act II.372) In the beginning of the conversation, Proctor moves to kiss Elizabeth yet she is described to only receive it. His actions show of his shame yet do not prove his character of a good man. These are just some of the many actions of John Proctor that describe his