John Quincy Adams Dbq

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Owen Grunewald John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829. Adams not only served as president, he also to a great part in foreign diplomats and the forming of our great nation. Adams whas a very smart man who did many great things and predicted a few key events in american history. John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767 in Braintree Massachusetts his partents where John and Abigail Adams. Most of Johns child hood was spent with his father overseas he did some studing overseas in his younger years and was in many of the european countrys such as sweden finland and denmark while overseas John became fluent in french and dutch he also learned german and like his father learnd …show more content…

Adams first things he did while in office was try to improve roads, ports and canals. He wanted to try to dcrease th natinal debt he encouraged the building of new factories and tryed to slow the movement west to help develope the already settled area that we had. He in fact did lower the nations debt form $16 million to under $5 million. Adams worked on making our great country in to a world power he did that through internal imrovements like building roads and a natinal university building obsevatorys. helping to start the cumberland road into ohio. he extended it to saint louis. The building of a canale from the great lakes to the ohio river. All of these transportion improvments helped stranghten or nation and ease the traspotation of goods out of the country. During his presedency Adams did little as far as forigan polices and relations. The reasoning for the lack of forigan improvments during his presidncey is because the sucsess that he had in the 8 years prior to his election he did most of the work that he would have had to do when he was president. in the prior years. with that being said he still did sign a treatys with other countys when he was presidnet that helped improve forigan relationg ships and he was so good at this because of the fact that he had spent so much time over seas in his younger years and in the years prior to his

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