John Rawls Social Justice

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In the following essay will be analyzed the comparison and aspects of Social Justice, Liberation and both Mill’s and John Rawls argument of justice, two different perspectives will be mentioned in the essay. John Rawls argues that justice as fairness is a better theory, however John Stuart Mill’s presents his theory of justice in Utilitarianism.
Social justice is defined as a concept in which everyone should be treated justly and moderately. The principle of justice is to respect among each other which include not having discrimination based on appearance or even ethnicity. John Rawls was a man who assumed a persuasive part in political idea in the late twentieth century, according to Rawls, behind our ignorance, we want to be treated equally and respected, we don’t want to feel persecuted, even If it gives pleasure to the majority, meaning that utilitarianism should not be involved in the concept. Rawls mentions two principals of justice, the first one is that everyone should have indistinguishable rights and his second was that each decision made should benefit everybody, furthermore Rawls contends his beliefs of justice saying that liberty and equality must happen to have a reasonable and fair society. …show more content…

In the book Rawl’s argues about liberal political neutrality and mentions Same Sex Marriage as a controversy ‘’whether some approve or disapprove individuals should be free to choose their marital partners’’ . According to Same Sex Marriage Rawls political liberalism opposes to same sex marriage however most liberals support same sex marriage. Is this a subject to make an argument about? I believe that each individual have a dignity and deserves respect everyone is free and equal and should have the rights to determine their actions and sexual