John Steinbeck Writing Style Essay

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All authors have their own unique style of writing that allows them to stand out from others. Some authors have different genre’s that they value and others have different experiences that sparked their motivation for the way that they write. There are many famous American authors that will be remembered for the great works that they published; however, John Steinbeck is one who stands out from all other authors. John Steinbeck used the problems during the era in which he lived to motivate and influence his writing. Steinbeck is unique in the way that he focuses in on the economic problems that society faced. John Steinbeck used his writings to convey symbolism to the events that he encountered and lived through throughout his life. John Steinbeck …show more content…

When he was in high school he would stay up late in the night in his attic and every so often he would invite friends over so he could read to them. By the age fourteen he knew he wanted to be a writer and he never abandoned his calling. In the year 1919 young Steinbeck graduated from high school and enrolls at Stanford University. When he wasn’t at school he would be working jobs at ranches, shops, farms, and factories (Shmoop). At Stanford John hoped to strengthen his writing skills. He took creative writing classes and enjoyed taking world history. Although he attended college off and on for six years he left Stanford in 1925 without receiving a …show more content…

The Red Pony was inspired from his childhood when he was given his own pony, Jill. Steinbeck divorced his wife Carol and marries Gwendolyn Conger. He eventually travels to Europe and North Africa as journalist for the New York Herald Tribune newspaper. The following year Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath. It is Steinbeck’s greatest success. Although the book becomes popular it attracts critics who do not agree with the books indecent language and intense representation of Dust Bowl life which was a period of severe dust storms that damaged agriculture across the United States. Many libraries banned The Grapes of Wrath for these reasons. A year later John Ford directs the film version of The Grapes of Wrath. John Steinbeck wins the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book award for the novel

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