John Steinbeck's Cannery Row A Place To Remember

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Obadiah Jones Cannery Row a Place to Remember The author of Cannery Row, John Steinbeck, published the book in 1945. An obscure, little town, Cannery Row, California, had been a significant part of Steinbeck’s ordinary life. Approximately 30 miles away lived Steinbeck, therefore, this was the ideal setting for Steinbeck to produce tall tales about the citizens’ experiences at Cannery Row. In fact, one of his fantasies about this place was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Malloy, who moved into a boiler and had to slither through the fire door to gain access to their living room. “Below were pipes in which Mr. Malloy had people sleep in them for rent” (1935 p. 48). This novel is about a group of men rushing to compile cash so they can host a party