John T. Noonan's An Almost Absolute Value In Human History

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John T. Noonan’s “An Almost Absolute Value in Human History” he proceeds to argue about abortion and when an undeveloped human should be given the rights of an actual human. John T. Noonan poses the question, “how does one determine the humanity of a being.” With this question on hand he considers four ways to consider when “determining humanity.” “Viability: When the undeveloped human ‘can survive outside the womb.’ Experience: When the undeveloped human can ‘retain memories.’ Externally bestowed Worth: can obtain only when the undeveloped human is wanted and loved by others. Social Visibility and Interaction: Gain only when the undeveloped human ‘can interact, and communicate with others.” John T. Noonan then rejects these four ways considering each to be flawed. Stating objection on the grounds that the undeveloped human, “have a high probability of developing their capacity for autonomy-a power that morally sets humans apart from beasts…therefor abortions sought for reasons other than to save a mother’s life should be condemned as cruel and selfish.” …show more content…

It the undeveloped human happened to survive without her the mother has no right to then take the humans life. This theory is reflected in her text