John Williams Superman Analysis

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John Williams who is American composer and a conductor created the theme song from superman. Some of the most popular music that was recognized from John Williams is, some of the star wars series the thrilling shark movies the jaw, Jurassic park and many more. He also did theme music for four Olympic world games, which is to me really interesting. The theme from superman illustrates and shows a man that is not really seen powerful in the public eye and is misunderstood in front of everyone even though he fights crime and saves the world he often feels if anyone really cares about what he is doing for him or her. The music shows the struggle of what superman is being faced with on the daily basis of trying to be a hero and have a …show more content…

The superman theme song consists of three parts is called a fanfare which means that it starts off with a moderate tempo and then goes really loud dynamic music. The music is starting off by letting us that a story or a tale is about to start and we might or might not be ready for what’s going to happen. Even though the theme for superman does not have any lyrics you can almost feel like the music is speaking to you by it’s showing of loud music then going soft all of sudden. The next part of the song is called the march some of the features that indicates that song is about to switch is the melody it tones down a little bit and the trumpets start to kick into the music and the music all of sudden has this enlighten feeling something good is happening like victory march or a war has been won and now it is time to celebrate and move forward. The music sounds like if superman is coming into fight action or save the day from a villain it is also similar to the first part of the theme song fanfare where it becomes loud and dynamic and stays on that but never drops off until the third part of the music. I think the composer was looking for people to recognize when superman is normal in the beginning and then when he becomes into a hero and fights bad