Johnny's Plot-Personal Narrative

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could win the entire pot if you had both the low spade and the best hand. I liked the game because you were betting on two different things, and in that confusion sometimes people would give away their hands. After several rounds of betting and sticking to my guns everyone folded except for Johnny. He was the Killer, you know?
I had raised him the only time he bet and the max every time. I controlled the game. After several seconds of contemplation the words I wanted to hear came from Johnny's mouth. "Take it," he said. Johnny would have beaten me with his up cards it he stayed, but I bluffed him by the way I bet and bumped. Johnny should have stayed if for no other reason than he had quite a bit of money in the pot, and if you go that for …show more content…

It was Jack and Brunno and they weren't in good shape.
Jack had a huge goose egg over his eye almost to the point of being swelled shut.
Brunno had tears running down his face and a bag of ice over his right hand. Dry blood had formed a river from his nostrils, down his lips to the end of his chin. Johnny sat them both down at the table. The two new guys that were playing poker with us looked uneasy. "I think my fu-fu-stupin' hand and nose is broke," Brunno said, breathing heavy.
Jack grabbed some of the ice from the bag on Brunno's hand and put it up to his eye
Johnny looked Jack and Brunno over. His face had the presence of disgust and pity mixed together. "Don't tell me the two of you got your ass beat by the stuping janitor."
Jack and Brunno looked at each other and then dropped their heads simultaneausly.
"Not exactly," Jack began. It seemed the geek janitor had been busy taking out the trash so to speak. Roman somehow beat the tar out of Johnny's two best men. And according
Jack he did it without ever throwing a punch. III got to school twenty minutes early the next morning. I looked for Roman but was not successful. To be honest I