Jonas Salk And The Polio Epidemic

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Many people in the twentieth century made big contributions to the world which are still seen today. Flight is a strange thing to thing an object flying is odd. Wright Brothers and their creation of the airplane changed that thinking. The airplane has affected the world in many different ways achieving many things only thought that gods could do only 100 years before. Because of these many achievements made by the airplane the Wright Brothers deserve to be known as one of the contributors to today. The Polio Epidemic affected many lives in very negative ways. Jonas Salk and the creation of the polio vaccine brought a way to stop this awful epidemic. The Polio vaccine if a very deserving reason to allow Jonas Salk to be part of this group. …show more content…

At a young age, Tesla was interested in electronics, which spurred from his mother who was an electronic hobbyist inventing small household appliances. His father pushed for him to join the priesthood, but he was more interested in electronics. He moved to Budapest and work with a telephone exchange the moved to Paris where he repaired direct current. (Nikola Tesla) While in Budapest, Tesla thought up the idea for a brushless AC motor. He moved to the United States two years after moving to Paris and started working for Thomas Edison the “Great Inventor”. Tesla worked on direct current for Edison madding it better than it was. Edison then went on to say that he made these changes, not Tesla. Because of this Tesla left Edison to work on his own creation the Alternating Current. ( Staff. “Nikola Tesla.”) This was extremely more superior to direct current. Direct current caused large fires and could only travel small distances. Alternating current could travel far distances and was much safer than DC. Even though this was the case, Edison’s direct current brought him money, so he would defend it at any cost necessary, Edison would set houses on fire and blame it on AC he would even end up electrocuting an elephant to defend his DC. However, Edison's attempts failed, and it became common knowledge that alternating current was vastly superior. Tesla is mainly known for electricity, but he owned over 700 patents for many different things, one being the electric motor which is used today in the Tesla Electric cars. He also owned patents for robots, x-ray devices, spark plugs, the hydroelectric power plant, and many more. Many of these ideas would be more advanced in today's world if it had not been for a fire in his lab in New York which had many of his ideas and supplies. (Jeremiahjw) Nikola Tesla isn't credited for most of his works, but he did so much for the world making him a contributor

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