Jonathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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America’s greatest religious thinker, Jonathan Edwards, a sermon who believed to be born again and accept Jesus Christ in order to be a step closer to salvation. He uses biblical allusions, emotional appeals, and his audience in order to persuade the unconverted.
In “Sinners in the hands of an angry god,” Edwards uses fear, pity, and guilt to create strong emotions towards a human being. God’s wrath is out of control that in any moment “With an arrow aiming at your heart…gods pleasure of one being drunk on blood.” This causes one to feel anxiety that you’re simply one step away from hell. In the other hand, god feels pity towards us, “and now you have an extraordinary opportunity… Christ has thrown the door of mercy… standing and crying to …show more content…

Most of it is full of god’s wrath, but also god opening his heart and forgiving us. “God is angry with great numbers that are now on earth… than he is who are now in the flames of hell.” He is disgusted by many and won’t be compassionate of us for very long. Irritated, he has the pot hot,” flames do now rage and glow,” ready to receive them. There’s no turning back, the devil, the flames, wait to crash their soul, sadly there’s no refuge. God is the only one that can keep you away from rotting in hell, “holds you over the pit of hell, such as a spider,” abhors you that easily provoked to let go. Wrathfully he still holds you, you haven’t gone to hell, you’re alive but in his eyes you’re abominable, “10x more than a venomous serpent… than a stubborn rebel.” Looking deeply in your eyes, your sins provoke him in every way, yet he holds you. “Sinner! Consider the danger you’re in,” concerned that there’s no way to salvation unless you’re born again. God threatening the unconverted man, “hangings by a slender thread, flames of divine wrath, ready every moment to singe it,” nothing will make his change his mind. Shockingly, “an extraordinary opportunity, happy state, hearts filled with love,” you’ve been forgiven by good, offered another chance. Christ has you on his palm, washed from every sin and now living life