Jones Vs Driverless Cars Analysis

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Could This Be the Future? Technology is advancing rapidly before our eyes. Could all this technology take over the world and then there would not be a need for humans for anything? It seems like that is what the world is coming to. From drones to driverless cars, everything will be run by technology. The main idea here is how researchers present us with this information, to get their point across. Majority of people look for the easy way to read the information, than reading the whole document. Researchers have to take into conclusion, how the researchers are going to capture the reader’s attention. In the article, Drones vs. Driverless Cars: A Tale of Two Robotic Policies, Sally French captures the reader’s attention almost immediately. …show more content…

Just like the sources she provided the readers with at the bottom of the charts, she provided them with hyperlinks to read more about certain topics. The hyperlinks show that she is credible source with all of the websites to back her information up. Additionally, some of French’s references include stock markets like Google, Amazon, and Facebook Aquila, she has included them on the right side of the website. The stock markets show increases and decreases in total revenue, all three of those stocks are increasing. If there was not already enough information on this website already, these additional hyperlinks top it …show more content…

Everyone loves pictures and it gives people a better perspective on what the author is talking about. One interesting picture is the one that shows the companies with permits to test driverless care. It was a better idea to have this important information as a picture instead of within the reading. Information will stand out more as a picture, and more people will look at the picture than read it, within the reading. The picture also helps the companies to stand out, by their colors and logos. Some people may not know that the Tesla symbol is a “T”, so this picture helps emphasize that too. Similarly, the two other pictures show what a drone looks like and what some driverless cars look like now. The drone is compare to a plane flying in the air. Some people may not know what a drone is and what it does. That picture shows it in perspective to the plane above it. Showing that it is much smaller and flies at a lower elevation than the plane. Compared to the driverless car, which shows two men having a conversation in the car. It can concluded that having driverless cars could help with many distractions like, talking, texting, and changing the radio. The car would be beneficial to employers, businessmen, and CEO’s of companies. They could talk on their phones and do business work while driving to their job without having to put other drivers in

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