
Jose Marti Our America Analysis

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Time and history has shown us over and over again the power of words. Great leaders of societies obtain that magnetic pull with words that enable them to reach masses of people throughout the world. It’s all determined by how the speaker or the writer tries to convey his or her message and what they hope to achieve with their words. The Cuban writer, José Martí evidently establishes his political views through his written piece, “Our America”. Martí’s written work is manifested by his political choice of words and distinct approaches that speak to both his fellow Cubans and the higher nation that is the United Sates throughout his essay. Martí saw this as an opportunity to demonstrate the effects of imperialism of other nations in Latin America. It has …show more content…

He calls for people to take pride in their heritage and not be ashamed of the culture they come from. Martí approaches this by calling out to people with jaded outside ideologies and makes an example of them, “these men born in America who are ashamed of the mother that raised them because she wears an Indian apron, “(Martí 283). Indian apron can be a reference to indigenous beliefs and traditions. How in order to be governed by the authentic legislation, there is need for no outside influence. One must turn to the origin of the history of a place before it was submitted under colonized authority. Author Richard Gray of Journal of Inter-American Studies states that Martí’s, “belief in law caused him to say that constitutional government was best, but only if it were authentic. He called for patriotism, but not narrow nationalism.” Martí deeply believed in the freedom and the ability for a country to rise above and govern themselves with no help. He urges people to bring back indigenous cultures rather than misplacing them, similar to a buried and distant

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