Josef Mengele Angel Of Death Essay

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How Josef Mengele was named the Angel of Death During World War II there were many researchers among the Jewish Concentration camps. One of the researchers named Dr. Josef Mengele. He was well educated in the field of genetic science. Dr. Mengele served in the military for the German Nazis. According to history recorded by many sources, Dr. Mengele was known to be a dark and deadly scientist. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 to Walburga Mengele and Karl Mengele. He was the eldest of three sons. The family lived in the Bavarian Village of Gunzburg. (Fox, Source 1) His father was an industrialist who owned a local plant that manufactured farming equipment. Josef reported that his mother was the one the children feared most and she was incapable of showing love. Karl Mengele wanted Josef to work with him at the factory, but Josef wanted to attend college and pursue a career in science. (Angel of Death) Josef Mengele left his home to attend the University of Munich where he joined the “Stalhem or steel helmets” in 1931 at this time he applied to join the S.S. “Stalhem or steel helmets” is a organization that shared similar beliefs as the Nazi supporters. After his college years (1938-1939), he began his military career by serving six months with a specially trained light-infantry mountain …show more content…

The team that Dr. Mengele researched with would conduct experiments on the prisoners. The experiments would expose the subjects to the extreme cold weather conditions and try to revive them the best they could. They tried many ways to accomplish this. One successful way they often tried to revive them was with a hot bath. After being exposed to the weather for a period of time the subject was placed in a warm bath and the temperature of the bath would steadily be increase to raise the core temp of the body. This method is still in use today. (Josef Mengele, The Angel of Death, source

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