Joseph Mccarthy Red Scare

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The modern-day witch-hunt, also known as the McCarthy trails, were held by Joseph McCarthy, a United States senator. A few years after World War II and during the Cold War, there was speculation of communism in America; this was the beginning of the red scare. This is also when the media started playing a bigger role in everyone’s life. This is what led to the definition of McCarthyism, which states in the dictionary, “A vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the United States government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.” This trial was detrimental to the people …show more content…

McCarthy was a very untrustworthy person, but fear of the communist party taking over the United States was plenty evidence that something needed to happen no matter the cost. Though McCarthy had no evidence, he still tried to fire up to two thousand government employees through this red-baiting tactic that McCarthy used in these trials. McCarthy went on doing trial after trial, ruining thousands of lives for ten years, until McCarthy claimed communism is in our army. Several months after this incident McCarthy is finally taken out of power, but is able to keep his job. Shortly after, McCarthy died from supposed alcohol poisoning on May 2, …show more content…

They slandered anyone’s name that was suspected of being a communist without being proven guilty. They ruined many careers, though they had no affiliation with the communist party. The media would write about certain people and cause them to be blacklisted, preventing them from getting hired at other jobs. There were two major news organizations, the AWARE and HUAC. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created to investigate un-loyal and dishonest organizations, but eventually they became anti-communist group. John Henry Faulk fought against these two medias to prove that they were biased against people not for McCarthy. Faulk went against AWARE and proved that they were not only calling out the suspected communist, they also framed people that stood in their way. The censorship of the 1950s from McCarthyism was severe after HUAC was exposed for unfair accusations. There major television set in something called loyalty oaths. It was a straight result of issuing the blacklist of HUAC. One of the major black listers was called

Hollywood ten. They black listed thousands of employees. Hollywood ten stated this when asked about communistic activities, "We will not knowingly employ a Communist or a member of any party or group which advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States”. This is what led to Hollywood ten to start blaming other news employees for communistic activities.
In the end the blacklisting