Juan Case Study In Counseling

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Juan’s overall medical condition is well, he does not miss classes due to sicknesses. His school health records are up to date, and so are his immunization records. He has no major medical conditions as per her mother. Client has no evidence of hospitalizations in the U.S.
Observations and Mental Status
Juan does not participate in extra curricular events because he does not feel comfortable with peers in school. It is a topic in which the counselor and Juan will approach once Juan is ready. Juan presents himself well when he speaks his mother’s tongue. He cannot carry a conversation in Spanish without stumbling. He cannot present his thoughts well in English, thus giving the impression that he has a developmental problem when not.
Presenting …show more content…

Due to the fact that he is shy, Juan is encountering bullying. He does not need to have a modification plan of studies at this time. His counselor is assessing how to help him first with bullying and being shy before any academic modifications are put in place. A psychological presenting issue of concern in Juan right now is his shyness. The inability to express himself due to lack of using English to communicate. When assessed in Spanish, Juan is still shy, but he definitely comes alive and expresses his thoughts with no problem. This student is in counseling, because his counselor is a bilingual counselor who can interact and speak with Juan freely in his preferred language. His English teacher sent his counselor an e-mail with his concerns for Juan. The teacher observed Juan being bullied in the classroom as well as in the lunch cafeteria. The teacher thought the counselor could speak to Juan in Spanish to address this problem better. Clearly there is a psychological concern because Juan’s behavior leads to peers to bully him. His lack of communication impedes that Juan can express himself freely, thus making peers to pick on him and projecting Juan as being weak, when the only problem is the language