Judaism And Buddhism Comparison Essay

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Throughout human history a plethora of religions and belief systems have emanated across the translucent barrier of time. A few religions or belief systems that share instant recognition within contemporary societies include Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Taoism. Each aforementioned religion or belief system alone holds immense and intricate details beyond complete comprehension. To simplify such a complex slew of interrelated ideals, this comparison will sight the relationship between Buddhism and Judaism. Therefore a definition of Buddhism, Judaism, and their divine cosmic origins will reveal the interlinking aspects of both beliefs. While no singular interpretation of either Buddhism or Judaism solely defines either in their entirety, there is general consensus. These varying ideals form the first distinguishable foundations …show more content…

From a Buddhist perspective, one follows the Eight Fold Path in order to transcend reality. Inversely, Jews seek shelter within Gods commandments in order to be saved from the allure of Satan’s and sin. For Jews, no “middle way” can exist within an orthodox practice of Judaism as it opens one up to sin. However, Buddhists do believe in Karma, the binding force of negative interactions that tethers those seeking spiritual enlightenment or nirvana to the world. Although their practices differ minutely, a sense of grand oneness is shared between Judaism and Buddhism, as well as their methods of ritualistic worship in temples, synagogues or Sangha’s. In addition, Judaism implements rabbis within their structured hierarchy of religious knowledge. In comparison to Jewish rabbis, Buddhists respond with enlightened figures known as Guru’s or monks. These shared characteristics unite local communities together for those seeking a higher power in whichever form it may lye beyond