This movie is a Broadway musical set in the Antiquity period in Judea (Roman province), about the conflict between Jesus and Judas, a week before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Roman Empire, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. In the making of this movie there wasn’t a great need for Biblical accuracy, the film was actually a comparison to the original Broadway musical so that it wouldn’t offend the Christian religion. It does show the relationship between the savior and his rebellious apostle, and the way he endured through to the end of his life, and with his sacrifice for the sins of everyone. The musical itself is an obvious archaism of the times of Jesus Christ, combining the savior's theories of salvation with the love and incongruity of one of his apostle. The classical music era makes the plot move because the movie doesn’t really have a dialogue; its genre was a legitimate …show more content…
3, Caiaphas, Choir, “Trial by Pilate (Including the 39 Lashes)” - Pilate, Jesus, Mob, “Superstar” - Judas, "Soul" Girls, Girls Choir, and “Crucifixion (Including John 19:41)” - Jesus, 10 Sopranos, Choir