Judith Butler's Theory Of Domestic Violence

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Gender inequality is a social justice issue that is prominent in several societies as it is a direct reflection of the systematic power distribution amongst the two binary genders. This form of inequality is reflected through a set of adverse behaviours projected from one individual to another, known as domestic violence. Individuals perform the identities that is associated with their gender role because it is what is culturally acceptable within their given society. Judith Butler’s theory of ‘Gender as a Performance’ depicts that the practices that individuals repeat and perform assure the elements that an identity is composed of. This theory is an embodiment of domestic violence as it establishes the inequality amongst the different genders, by allowing the male to perform his dominance, causing the female to feel inferior to this. Domestic violence is a representation of Judith Butler’s ‘Gender as a Performance’ theory because it embodies the structured power relation amongst genders and how this power influences both individuals involved. The act of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships adversely enforces the identities in which males and females categorize themselves into, based on their gender performance. Domestic violence can be defined as a series of behaviours which are used to assert control over a partner in an intimate relationship (McFeely, Lombard, Burman, Whiting, & McGowan, 2013). Domestic violence is a universally known phenomenon that impacts