Judith Thompson Abortion

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Should people allow women have termination of pregnancy? This question has been thoroughly debated around the world. Some people agree abortion because it is the right of women, they have a choice to have an abortion. Others doubt fetus is a human being, abortion means kill a human being, it is immoral. Judith Thompson is a person who totally agree women end the pregnancy is moral even the fetus is a human being. This part of essay discusses the argument of Judith Thompson and examines is it convince. After that, this essay shows is it match the expectations of my perspective on life’s meanings.
Judith Thompson’s argument
Thompson states it is always true that abortion is morally, fetus is a human being or not is not the most important point. The example she provided is if you need to attach a famous violinist to your body with life-support tubes …show more content…

It is women do not want to be pregnant.
Thompson makes a condition for the example she gave which is women be pregnant unexpectedly. Deckers (2007) shows that Thompson do not agree women are able to have abortion in all situations, one of situations is acceptable to end the pregnancy is “all reasonable precautions against having a child”(Deckers, 2007 p.162). Another situation is there is a risk to the life of pregnant woman. Deckers (2007) states women have a right to kill fetus in these situations. This is the reason that I agree Thompson’s argument is convincing. The example Thompson has given is considering women have a right to have abortion if they try to avoid get pregnant or there is something happen unexpectedly for example the babies harm women life. Any choice from a pregnant woman need to follow a rule which is there are some unexpected incidents befallen. In short, Thompson’s argument is conclusive because it is not insisted that all case of abortion is