Julius Caesar Public Side Essay

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Throughout history public figures have demonstrated their dual personas. One of which is their public side, that appeals to their audiences. The other is their private side, which more accurately reflects how they think and feel. Leaders use their public side as a facade in order to gain favor of their constituents, and Caesar in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is no exception. Although Caesar has a public side to him, the private Caesar is the real Caesar, and Shakespeare utilizes and contrasts the two throughout the play in order to keep the audience guessing as to which Caesar is the real Caesar. Julius Caesar maintains a public reputation that is consistent and prideful. JC is known for being constant in his rulings and he has to maintain that image. In order to do so, he says that “I could be well moved if I were as you/ If I could pray to move, prayers would move me/ But I am constant as the northern star,” (3.1. 63-65). This quotation shows that Caesar’s word is …show more content…

Although Caesar’s public side that is consistent and prideful, private Caesar is the real Caesar because it shows his true intentions and how he really feels, not a charade that Caesar plays for the public. An example of this is when Caesar is fearful because it is the Ides of March and the Soothsayer has foretold that something bad will happen to Caesar on this day. Caesar tells the Soothsayer, “The ides of March are come,” to which the Soothsayer responds, “Aye, Caesar, but not gone.” (3.1.1-2). This quote shows that even though Caesar is going to the Capitol, he is very fearful and aware of the bad superstition that has been prophesied on this day, the Ides of March. It also shows that Caesar isn’t as confident on the inside as he looks on the outside. The real you isn’t who people think you are, the real you is who you think you are, and Caesar is no exception. Because Caesar thinks he is afraid and is unconfident, that’s the real Caesar, the private