
Just Listen Character Analysis

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The title, Just Listen, was not too hard to figure out. The picture on the cover is a girl listening to music, so it made me think of really listening to the lyrics of songs. I know you are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the cover is honestly what caught my attention. The setting of this story takes place in a small suburban town called Lakeview. The setting is very important because it is a safe and small town so you would not expect something to go wrong. However, things are not as safe and friendly as they seem. The mood is set by Annabelle in the very beginning of the book. She is a very quiet and cautious person which makes the mood very hesitant. Annabelle is always trying to figure out what’s going on around her which …show more content…

“But as time went on, she did not get better. Instead, she started sleeping later, and then later, until she sometimes did not get out of bed at all..”(pg 66) In this quote, the narrator explains how broken Annabel becomes, because she didn’t tell anyone of the horrific incident when she was raped. It was eating her up inside, and she was scared of the consequences that would happen if she were to tell anyone about this incident, so she didn’t. “I was not sure I could even fathom it, but I still envied Owen, and his easy bluntness, the ability to open himself out into the world instead of folding deeper within.”(page 279) Annabel understood how much easier Owen’s life was, just becuase he always said what he was thinking and he always told the truth. Yet she still chose to hold everything in. “I had been so alone and scared, and yes, angry….” (pg 279) Annabel was more than lonely, and she finally recognizes this and realizes that it is destroying her. If she had just confessed everything instead of holding it in, she would not be suffering what she was going through the majority of the

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