Justice In And Then There Were None

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Connor Galvez
English 8
March 9, 2023
Did Justice Wargrave commit cold-blooded murder or was he merely carrying out justice? In the book And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, Justice Wargrave took justice into his own hands by inviting ten people, including himself, to a remote island, in which they were disconnected from the world. Although the guests were from all different social classes they were connected by the crimes they had all committed prior to their invitation to Soldier Island. Wargrave’s plan was simple, he was to fill the gaps the law had failed to do, by sentencing all of the guests to death, for their crimes. Justice Wargrave delivered justice to these guilty individuals who were previously untouched by the …show more content…

Blore and Vera, because they were both guilty prior to their sentencing, but lied to get out of punishment, meaning they should have been prosecuted beforehand, regardless.
Justice Wargrave’s enforced plans against Vera Claythorne are justified, because Vera is a criminal who killed an innocent child, and then lied her way out of execution. Despite Vera’s appearance as a straight-lighthearted girl, Vera was absolutely deserving of punishment, due to her criminal actions against a warm hearted boy she once looked after, Cyril Hamilton. Cyril’s uncle and Vera’s ex lover, Hugo Hamilton, was entitled to a hefty inheritance, but when Cyril was born, Cyril was entitled to the money instead. This meant that Hugo would not receive the money he needed to financially support Vera. So Vera let her greed overtake her rationalized thoughts when she was looking after Cyril one day, and encouraged Cyril to swim far out in the ocean. But instead of swimming with him like she had promised, she intentionally didn’t catch up with him, hoping he would drown so Hugo would receive the inheritance. But,”...you wouldn't think a girl like that-a nice straight jolly girl you wouldn't think she'd do that, would you? That she'd take a kid out …show more content…

However, one cannot deny the fact that General McCarthar and Emily Brent weren’t as guilty as Vera or Mr. Blore. Before Beatrice Taylor was turned down by Emily Brent, her parents were so disgusted with her they threw her out of the house. Then,”The abandoned creature, not content with having one sin on her conscience, committed a still graver sin. She took her own life.” Although Emily Brent turned her down, her parents’ betrayal was a far greater factor for Beatrice Taylor’s suicide meaning it wasn’t entirely her fault. However, although Emily Brent and General McCarthar’s crimes were more indirect, both actions were clearly going to lead to a death. General McCarthar stated,”I sent Richmond to his death. I suppose, in a way, it was murder.” General McCarthar purposely sent Arthur Richmond on a suicide mission and intentionally killed him. Although his actions may have seemed reasonable he purposely killed an innocent man. And after his actions he never received any punishment except for the guilt he had to face knowing what he did was wrong. Arthur Richmonds guilt is not an excuse for killing a man and although he was remorseful he deserved to be punished. Emily Brent and General Macarthur's actions may have seemed reasonable but as a result their actions lead