Justice In The Film 'Call Of Heros'

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Everyone is born with a sense of justice. Those who have done bad things should be punished for their actions. However, the world isn’t always fair. Many people escape from their crimes because they have more power than others. In the movie “Call of Heros”, directed by Benny Chen, Cao, the son of a great warlord arrived in Pucheng and murdered three villagers for entertainment. He was imprisoned by the head villager, but as the son of a powerful man, the whole village’s life had to be exchange for the penalty of imprisoning Cao. The head villager imprisoned Cao anyway knowing the villagers life were on the line because he believed it served justice for the people Cao murdered. The message of the film was to fight for what is believed to be justice. It was displayed through the used of hand held shots, medium shots, and muted lightings. To start, hand held shots were used to deliver the message of justice. In the movie, the head villager and the guardians of the village had to fight Cao’s army to protect the village. During the battle the camera shifted and moved along with the actions of the heros. As they fought the army, the …show more content…

The film is focused on fighting for justice and doing what is believed to be the right thing. The used of medium shots was able to capture the theme by giving additional details on why justice was such an important factor to the characters. For instance, in one scene, another villager dies from the disagreement between the villagers about weather or not they should free Cao. The son of the dead man in great anger wants to kill Cao on his own. However, the head villager calms him down prevents him from killing Cao. The medium shot was focused on the leader’s face and it showed his pain and sorrow towards the young man and his father. Therefore, the head villager wanted to make sure that justice would be revived for those who innocently lost their lives because of