How Did Jane Addams Establish Daycare At Susan Home

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One of the first thing Jane Addams at Hull House did was to establish daycare for children. Children were being left at home tied to a table leg while their mothers were working in the sweat shops. While at the daycare children were given a safe place and at least one meal a day.1 She also help create the juvenile court system because children were being sent to prison with harden criminals. The first Juvenile Court of Chicago was established and the first probation officer were Hull House staff members. Children were then sent to clean detention centers or in the care of probation officers.2 In 1907 Hull House added a gymnasium, theater, art gallery, music school, boys' club, auditorium, cafeteria, cooperative residence for working women, kindergarten, nursery, libraries, post office, meeting and club rooms, art studios, kitchen, and a dining room and apartments for the residential staff.3 I think the services offered at the Hull House were necessary to the children at that time. Before the opening children were …show more content…

It would help with teaching them English, education for children and daycare under one roof. The daycare provided a much needed service for the mothers. I can not image leaving a child tied to a table so I could work, the stress on the mothers must have been enormous. The mother must have felt a huge weight was off them knowing the children were safe while they worked. I think that human services were greatly impacted by Jane Addams and the Hull House. It made people aware of what was going on in the poor sections of the city. Because of her and the other people who helped her, people could not just turn a blind eye to the poor. She was rich and vocal about what was happening, allowing her to recruit others from her walk of life to help. I believe she made helping others through human service programs “cool”, which made others want to