Juxtaposition In Killing Time

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By setting the subject after the comma, the author puts the emphasis in the current situation (killing time), contrasting it with a hypothetical future situation (enjoy each other). An idiomatic expression works as a play on words linked to the semantic field mentioned before: the use of the verb “to kill” is not random.

“Until the sun”

Temporal reference by means of this adverb of time. It establishes the frequency of their encounters. Paradoxically, sun means death, sleeping time and separation. It is the time from which they can no longer coexist. In vampiric literature, sun is synonym of death since it makes them burn and disintegrate.

“Death waits for no one”

There is an use of the trope of personification by attributing human capacities (to wait) to this abstract noun (death). Juxtaposition is a recurrent feature of this song as it lacks of conjunctions -only a few of them appear in the whole body-.

“Hold my hands
Across your face,
Because I think
Our time has come”

Grammatically speaking, it is one of the few conjunctions in these lyrics. It helps to connect the previous clause with the other and it is used for giving reasons.
“Our time has come” is another metaphorical, implicit reference to the death that is to come. Metaphors provoke an effect of fantasy in this song.
Metaphor dealing with death (death connected with eternal love).

“Digging your smile apart
With my spade-tounge.
The hole is where the heart is.
We built this tomb together,
And I won 't fill