
Theme Of Isolation In Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Metamorphosis Metamorphosis is among the most frequently analyzed pieces in the field of writing. It is an indefinable story that mostly archives the makeover of Samsa Gregor, who transformed to a gargantuan insect (Kafka et al. 3-7). Mainly, this work has been renowned for its ability to create inspiration to various, sometimes equally exclusive interpretations. As a result, the Metamorphosis has become one of the fundamental enigmas of the present day literary mind 's eye. Moreover, praise is given to Kafka’s symbolic and convincing representation of isolation, which he has developed through the literal image of a man being creepy-crawly. The situation of the transformation is realistic to the society that people live. Under adverse conditions, some humans undergo changes, which affect their entire lives. A good example is those who suffer mutilation as a result of being involved in fatal accidents or contracting diseases, which are expensive to cure or lack a cure. Things evolve, and life does not return to normal. In fact, more often than not, the love that …show more content…

Moreover, the evaluations of the narrative seem to vary from one commenter to the other, regarding how they view the theme of alienation from humanity, which takes the core stage of the story. Another concern is the way they interpret the transformation of Gregor as a form of an extended metaphor or wish-fulfillment (Kafka et al., 45). The perception of critics about Gregor’s metamorphosis was that he wished to be in such a situation, and he deeply resented the support of his family. However, he greatly desired that his family would nurture him at that time he needed them most, now that he had become a parasite. Indeed, he could not feel their love anymore. The complete reliance that Gregor’s family and his employer have on Gregor appears ironical as he has transformed into a

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