Kaiser Permanente Mission Statement

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Kaiser Permanente (KP) strategy as a brand was to make consumers comfortable with their brand and their values through the "Thrive campaign" (Lofgren, D. & Cantu, D., 2010) while the mission statement for the Golden Age Hospital (GAH) and Community Clinic (CC) as the "Golden Bridge, the bridge to good health and wellness" as its own campaign to market the new hospital. Therefore, in order to market "Golden Bridge” is use of online roadmap for healthcare marketers by Steve Letham because he stated that online media plays a special role in promoting its brand by 1. understanding its audience; 2. optimizing the website and 3. creating demand for their brand (Spur Interactive, 2009).
Understanding its audience Since there is an explosion of baby boomers in the near future in the Orange County area, GAH advertisement should concentrate on the seniors audiences either by television, magazines, emails or billboards on GAH “Golden Bridge” the bridge to good health and wellness campaign by chronic disease management, great staff with state of the art …show more content…

GAH would have an acute psychiatric inpatient treatment program, program administration and utilization case management of the Medi-Cal Mental Health Managed Care Plan and Allied Behavioral Care (ABC). Geriatric inpatient units would be led by a hospital-based psychiatrist who works exclusively with inpatients and includes psychiatric nurses, masters prepared social workers and activity therapists on the treatment team. The treatment team has an array of psychiatric experience and training that is paired with a strong commitment to working with individuals through the treatment mirroring Mission Hospital Psychiatry that supports the elderly population in the nine municipalities to serve geriatrics who have mental health problems such as major depression that can be treated with medications and psychotherapy (Mission Health,