Kansas City Patrol Report

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The Kansas City patrol experiment started in the year of nineteen-seventy-two, and ended around nineteen-seventy-three. The purpose of this experiment was to try to find ways to affect and lower the level of crimes. One main job of police officers is patrolling. Patrolling is a person or group of people sent to keep watch over ab area, especially a detachment of guards or police(Dictionary). It’s easy to say patrolling is a very important role in policing. As stated from the police foundation website “This landmark experiment found that traditional routine patrol in marked police cars does not appear to affect the level of crime. Nor does it affect the public’s feeling of security (“The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment,” 2016 )”. …show more content…

Mostly, everyone when there are driving seeing a police atomically slow down or in some areas close out, Deals/ illegal acts being done are currently covered as if nothing happened. So in October of nineteen-seventy-two the brains were dinging, and the police foundation evaluated their offers and ideas. Another point stated on the police foundation website was that “Patrols were varied within 15 police beats. Routine preventive patrol was eliminated in five beats, labeled “reactive” beats (meaning officers entered these areas only in response to calls from residents). Normal, routine patrol was maintained in five “control” beats. In five “proactive” beats, patrol was intensified by two to three times the norm (“The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment,” 2016)”. Proactive police are officers who seek out to deter crime. They sometimes stop people before hand and ask questions if something seems to be off. Reactive police officers wait until a complaint or a crime has been …show more content…

Commercial surveys are people that represent of commercial enterprises. Encounter surveys are interviews with those that have had interactions with the police. Participant observer transcriptions are being hired to make observations. Recorded crime data are monthly recorded crimes. Traffic data are recorded traffic accidents. Arrest data is monthly collected data by crime type. Response time data is computer recordings separated by response time by

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