Kansas State University Tuition Cost Case Study

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Students all across Kansas State University campus are attending school in hopes to graduate with a degree and start a career. Many students thrive in school, receive honors, and graduate on time. College might not be for everyone, but for those students who want to push themselves and are willing to spend countless hours studying college should be affordable. One major problem students are faced with every semester is a rise in tuition cost. Here at K-state, I feel that the rising tuition cost is deeply affecting student enrollment rates. With rising student debt, I feel it is necessary for the Kansas State Administrators to implement a constant tuition cost. If K-state were to keep tuition constant our campus as a whole would benefit, there will be a higher participation rate, and with a constant cost, students will be able to manage their budgets more effectively, which will lower a number of debt students are faced with.

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Throughout the years, K-state has been slowly increasing the cost per credit hour, with doing so administrators are putting students in more debt. With rising tuition cost and fee’s students, every year students are discouraged from attending Kansas State. Decreasing student attendance and increasing cost is only making Kansas State University worse off. As the tuition rate rises, many college and high school students are left stranded in the uncertainty of whether or not they should attend college and if they will be able to even afford it. This is not only a problem for students but parents and administrators also, with the cost rising parents will be less encouraged to pay for their child's schooling. This is a huge problem, if more parents are discouraged from paying for their child’s schooling it will lead to a greater dropout rate and also students attendance

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