Kantianism Vs Utilitarianism

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Kantianism comes from philosopher Immanuel Kant. In Kantianism, Kant is concerned with the moral worth of an action. He believes you can get moral worth by doing the right thing for the right reason, but not doing the right thing for the wrong reason. He believes in the good will. This can be seen when someone is donating money. They donate because it comes from their heart, not to show off that they donated money. Kant says that doing a good action for the right reason will get moral worth. The good will is everything that is good from the purest place. He also says, happiness shouldn’t be the main goal of our actions. Kant has respect for moral law, and believes it should not be broken. Kant believes in the formula of universal law, which is act only on that maxim that at the same time you could will as a universal law. This formula can be applied to any situation; for example, one cannot kill because it cannot be willed as a universal law. He also believes …show more content…

Utilitarianism has different view than Kantianism. Utilitarianism believes in finding the greatest happiness for the majority. It believes an action is right if it produces the most happiness. It follows the principle of utility, which finds the course of action that creates the most happiness by calculating the utils and dis-utils of a situation. Whichever outcome creates happiness for the greatest amount of people is the one that should be done. This can be seen in the case of the fat man in the cave. A utilitarianist would say to kill the fat man in the way in order to save the others inside, which would create more happiness. In Kantianism, one would say you should not kill the fat man because it is immoral according to the formula of universal law. In utilitarianism there are two masters in life, pleasure and pain. According to John Stuart Mill, he believed that happiness was pleasure and that maximizing utility means increasing the happiness of