Karl Marx Vs Adam Smith Essay

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In the late 1700s-1900, utopian ideas and industrialization changes social life and influenced government because of mainly two people, Adam Smith and Karl Marx. Adam Smith, scottish economist, came up with the idea of progressive capitalism, and Karl Marx, german philosopher, came up with unwanted socialism and awful communism. These two people are the ones who influenced government and changed social life with their ideas. Adam Smith’s idea of capitalism was hated by many, but progressive towards the world. Capitalism helped generate more wealth for people by having job positions to fill in. With the people they hired, they are sure to maximize their productivity which will create helpful items for people around the world so they can live happily. …show more content…

The main thing that Karl Marx wanted to do with socialism was to make everyone equal by having communities share work and same property, He wanted no difference between rich and poor. Socialism was made to make everyone happy, every one will be able to have equal opportunity. This theory may have been helpful to the people, but people wanted the right to private ownership and be able to make a profit for themselves, they wanted their own happiness. That all changed when Karl Marx brought in the idea of communism which was thought to be the perfect system. Communism was brought up to be perfect, but it was used the wrong way. Karl Marx wanted society to be classless. He thought that if everyone was the same, it would be a utopia. He wanted this to happen because he believed that capitalism made only a few prosper and created poverty for many. In communism everything will be owned by the government and money that you make will got to them as well. Wealth and power would be equally shared. The thing that makes communism awful is that tyrants would abuse it for personal gain so that they live with money while everyone else is

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